Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Reno Wired

Keith Anderson.

Friday slash Saturday I participated in the first Reno Wired—a 24-hour rebrand of the Committee to Aid Abused Women (CAAW). I was one of more than two dozen volunteers from a handful of local businesses that donated time and services to help a very deserving local nonprofit.

The 24-hour idea—inspired by ZURBwired and similar hackathons—is to dedicate a single day to a project, or in this case, client.

By doing the work in a defined amount of time, it doesn't drag on like a lot of volunteer projects can. And by getting a lot of really talented people involved, you can deliver a lot of great work.

In the end, we built CAAW a new website, designed and printed brochures, business cards and stationary, made exhibitor displays and a hell of an inspiring video.

In addition to documenting the day slash night slash day (see photos below), I also made photos for the website and print pieces.

If you want to know more about the group and what we did, a few other people have written about it here (and here, here, here and here).

Bottom line: incredible experience.

Thanks to Kevin Jones, Julia Kruper and Jenna Hubert for organizing the event, all of the volunteers and sponsors and especially to CAAW's Executive Director Denise Yoxsimer and Director of Development and Community Relations Amy Saathoff for staying up all night with us.

Enjoy the photos.

Morning planning session.

Tyler St. Pierre looking for inspiration.

Working with the client.

The Kevin Jones.

Jenna Huber and Kelly Wallis.

Mike McDowell copy editing.

Midnight power walk.

Brochures printed at Reno Type.

Somewhere between 3-5 a.m.

Denise and Amy.

Carrie Henderson.


Mike Henderson editing his video.


Celebrate good times.

Kurt Hoge from Reno Type delivering...deliverables.

Taking a picture of my picture.

Amy cried.

Team photo.
