Saturday, August 8, 2015

Reno 5, Fresno 4

It's Saturday morning and I'm drinking a sludgy cup of coffee watching Premier League. Did you hear, Reno might be getting a professional soccer team?

Maybe you noticed I spent some time this week blogging (at least the baseball)?

It feels good. Knowing that I will share what I shoot helps me tell better stories. And by approaching each game as a story, I'm more likely to see different photos. More features less game action.

These images are from Friday July 31: a 5-4 win over Fresno.

Matt Pagnozzi.

Mike Freeman.



Tony Kemp.

St. Mary's Home Run For Life.

Peter O'Brien.

Aaron Blair.

I experimented with in-camera multiple exposures for a couple of innings.

Danny Worth.


Aces win!
