In October (the morning after Chelsea and Cory got married) I took an assignment with American Profile Magazine in Bodie, Calif. I grabbed my gear, boots, two bagels and an hour and a half of sleep and hit the road for what—looking back now—was one of my favorite assignments of 2010.
I knew that eventually I'd blog about it, but wanted to wait until the article ran before I did.
Anyway, not sure how, but my Google machine missed it. It ran in February and the printed copies have for weeks now been living in landfills, fireplaces and fourth grade papier-mâché volcanoes.
Fortunately for you, dear reader, the article is still online (pictures too).
The assignment was to photograph Mark Langner, the supervising park ranger of Bodie—one of California's oldest state historic parks—for a regular American Profile feature called "On The Job."
I spent the day with Langner, writer Audrey Hingley and her husband on what turned out to be a personal tour of the town. We visited the Standard Stamp Mill, some abandoned houses, even took Langner's truck up a private road to the top of the Bodie Hills—some 9,400 feet. What a freaking view!
In addition to the gallery that ran online, here are few of my favorite photos: